Log Messages

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Time Message
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker::__construct" to "false" is deprecated.
Matched route
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint\FormAuthenticationEntryPoint" class is deprecated, use the new security system with "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\FormLoginAuthenticator" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.authentication.listener.form.main" service is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AbstractAuthenticationListener" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.authentication.manager" service is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationProviderManager" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event\AuthenticationFailureEvent" class is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\LoginFailureEvent" with the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.authentication.listener.anonymous.main" service is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AnonymousAuthenticationListener" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken" class is deprecated.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Using an object that is not an instance of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface" as $user in "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken" is deprecated.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.authentication.provider.dao.main" service is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\DaoAuthenticationProvider" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\UserAuthenticationProvider" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface" interface is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.encoder_factory.generic" service is deprecated, use "security.password_hasher_factory" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\EncoderFactory" class is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherFactory" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\EncoderFactoryInterface" class is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherFactoryInterface" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.3: The "security.authentication.provider.anonymous.main" service is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.3: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AnonymousAuthenticationProvider" class is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.4: The $authManager argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AccessListener::__construct" is deprecated.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-http 5.4: Not setting the $exceptionOnNoToken argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AccessListener::__construct" to "false" is deprecated.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.4: Setting the $authenticatorManagerEnabled argument of "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector\SecurityDataCollector::__construct" to "false" is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkInterface::getHref()" might add "string" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\Link" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkInterface::isTemplated()" might add "bool" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\Link" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkInterface::getRels()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\Link" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkInterface::getAttributes()" might add "array" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\Link" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\EvolvableLinkProviderInterface::withLink()" might add "static" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\GenericLinkProvider" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkProviderInterface::getLinks()" might add "iterable" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\GenericLinkProvider" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\EvolvableLinkProviderInterface::withoutLink()" might add "static" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\GenericLinkProvider" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Psr\Link\LinkProviderInterface::getLinksByRel()" might add "iterable" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Fig\Link\GenericLinkProvider" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.4: The "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallConfig::allowsAnonymous()" method is deprecated.

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